Herbs for the Heart - Rose

“Strong back, soft front, wild heart.” - Brené Brown

I can still vividly recall the first time I intimately met Rose.

I was about 5 years old and I was practicing riding my pink bike without trainer wheels. As I made my way down the concrete drive next to the brick farm house in a rather unsteady manner, I remember seeing the thorny rose bushes in front of me, off to the right of the driveway. Instead of focusing on where I actually wanted to go (past the roses & onto the soft grass), I kept looking directly at the rose plants thinking if I kept an eye on them, I will avoid heading in their direction.

Well, I’m sure you can guess what happened. I ended up riding straight into the thorny roses on my bike with a great cry and a thud. I felt dozens of sharp piercing rose thorns pierce my soft skin. I was in a lot of pain. I remember my mum carefully pulling each thorn out with the tweezers. ouch.

Falling into the rose bush hurt me a lot, but interestingly the beautiful rose bush was fine because the Roses had protected themselves with their strong stems and spiky thorns.

I have never forgotten this moment that I meet Rose intimately for the first time, to the point where I actually didn’t like Roses most of my childhood and into my maiden years. But even though it was painful at the time, I am now very grateful for this potent interaction & the lessons I now truly understand. So let’s dive in…


Rose spp.

Family - Rosaceae

Parts used - flowers/petals, fruits (hip)

Energetics - Rose is considered both cooling and warming in different traditions. Generally in western herbal medicine, Rose energetics are cooling. Rose medicine can also be either moistening or slighting drying depending on the preparation. The difference will depend on the type of roses used and the length of time macerated in alcohol. Generally the petals are moistening and the hips are drying.

Tastes - Rose petals: pungent, sweet, mildly astringent and bitter. Rosehips: sour, astringent and sweet.

Harvest - Rose petals should be picked on a dry morning when they are at their most fragrant, immediately after blooming. Rosehips are harvested in Autumn when they have just ripened and changed colour.

Astrological Ruler - Venus

Medicinal Actions - anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, astringent, restorative, vulnerary, demulcent, nutritive, cardiotonic, refrigerant, nervine

While all roses possess medicinal qualities, the roses perhaps most used in medicine is Rosa canina (wild dog rose), Rosa damascena and Rosa gallica.

Heart medicine offering - emotional

Rose has a very strong affinity for the heart and a powerful connection to love, passion, beauty and courage, not just in modern times but for thousands of years. Dating back to Greek mythology, red roses have been linked to Aphrodite (identified with Venus by the Romans), the Goddess of Love. It is believed that when Aphrodite came to her lover, Adonis, who was wounded by a wild boar, a mixture of her tears and his blood created a beautiful red rose bush. Throughout the ages, rose has helped people cultivate a deeper relationship with self-care, compassion and self-love through its use in perfumes, skincare and herbal remedies.

If we meditate on Rose, we can clearly see the energetic medicine and healing properties of this beautiful and much loved plant. Rose distinctly shows us what healthy boundaries look like with her sharp thorns, used to deter predators, and she displays how beauty and softness can coexist with this seemingly harsh self-defence. Rose reminds us with her delicate lush flowers, that our heart can remain soft, open & compassionate when we have healthy emotional boundaries and self-love. Rose truly teaches us how to protect our hearts, so that we may endure in difficult situations and seasons.

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” - Brené Brown

I love Brené Brown’s thoughts on Living BIG (Boundaries, Integrity, Generosity). She poses the question,“What boundaries need to be in place, for me to stay in my integrity, and make the most generous assumption about you?”

She also goes on to say that “Generosity can’t exist without boundaries. Boundaries aren’t easy but I think they are the key to self-love and the key to treating others with love and kindness”

This really hits home for me as I have a strong tendency to over-give and people-please as I don’t want to disappoint people. I definitely have ‘rescuing’ tendencies and can easily exhaust myself emotionally showing up for others.

Rose medicine has been an incredible teacher in understanding boundaries and the importance of taking care of myself during chaotic times. I often keep a small amber bottle of Rose tincture in my handbag and beside my bed for moments I need uplifting and a sense of peace and calm in my heart. This beautiful and powerful plant has helped me protect my precious energy during a season that’s required a lot from me emotionally. Bringing the medicine of Rose into my life has safe-guarded my sensitive heart space, so ultimately I can keep showing up as a kind and loving human.

Who among us would not benefit from love, from nurturing, from softening our hearts?

We can also use Rose medicine to soothe and open the energetic heart when we are feeling vulnerable, anxious and depressed, helping us get through times of sadness and uncertainty.

Rose has gently cooling and nervine properties; nervine herbs reduce an overactive stress response, returning the body to a resting, relaxing and digesting state. Rose medicine has the ability to comfort and calm the heart and nervous system, through her subtle antidepressant and sedative properties, thus uplifting a broken spirit, while also providing a sense of ease, rest and safety.

As a Herbalist, I love having Rose Tincture available in my dispensary, Rose is so incredibly generous with her beauty and heart healing medicine.

Regular use of the tincture of Rose can be a potent support for those who are grieving and when the heart needs deep healing and restoration. I feel like most folks can benefit from the healing properties of Rose. She a powerful medicine for this time in history as many people are holding deep grief, sadness and anxiety about the future.

Heart medicine offering - physical

  • Many physical heart issues are rooted in inflammation & Rose can be a herbal ally due to it’s modulating actions on inflammation. Research shows us that Rosehip powder has been shown to support the cardiovascular system by improving blood pressure and plasma cholesterol 1

  • Roses are high in antioxidants, bioflavonoids and carotenoids (lycopene, quercetin), helping to reduce oxidative stress in the blood vessels and heart (a possible underlying cause of heart disease)

  • The astringent & demulcent properties of the rose petals & rosehips help tone, soothe and protect the heart tissue

  • Rosehips are high vitamin C especially freshly picked. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. Rosehips also contain beta-carotene, tocopherol, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

  • In Ayurveda, Rose is considered to be balancing to all three doshas. Rose flowers are particularly good for reducing Pitta, due to the cooling, sweet and calming energetics that help balance the fiery nature of pitta. Rose is also a great herbal support for Vata constitutions to help soothe the nervous energy.

  • Rose is a lovely consideration for gently alleviating exhaustion and insomnia that is often present during times of stress and grief

How to use Rose to support your Heart

Rose Petal Infusion

Rose petals make a fragrant & uplifting infusion and it’s a great way to get to know the delicate taste and aroma of Rose and her healing benefits by making a delicious tea. I personally love brewing my herbal teas in a glass infusion/teapot so that I can enjoy watching the herbs infuse. Fresh or dried fragrant rose petals can be infused.

Here’s how to make a simple Rose Petal Infusion:

  • Boil water : Filtered or spring water is best

  • Warm up teapot: Pour boiling water into your teapot, about halfway, swirl it around and then discard the water

  • Place 1 tsp of organic dried rose petals or 1 handful of fresh petals into tea pot and add the hot water

  • Cover teapot and steep for 5 minutes

  • Strain rose petals and pour rose tea into your favourite cup

  • Mindfully sip your Rose tea to support your precious heart space

Rose petals blend beautifully with many other herbs too, Peppermint and Rose petals is a very luscious combination.

I also love sipping on Rose tea when I am in my pre-menstrual phase (Inner Autumn) and on my bleed (Inner Winter). Rose is a beautiful reproductive restorative and helps support our emotional landscape during these seasons of the cycle.

It’s fun to experiment with adding dried rose petals to herbal tea blends to add colour and vibrancy and a dose of love, heart-healing and aphrodisiac properties.

Rosehips also make a refreshing and revitalising infusion. One of my favourite combinations for a hot summer days is dried rosehips, hibiscus and elderberry. I brew a strong tea, let it cool down and then add lots of ice for a super refreshing beverage.

Walk with the Roses

Mindfully and slowly meander through a garden of roses, taking time to smell the volatile oils, gently touch the soft and open petals and just be in the presence of Rose. So simple but such a beautiful way to connect with Rose medicine.

Can you see the thorns? A reminder of protecting our hearts and honouring our boundaries. Can you feel how soft and delicate the petals are? Teaching us to keep our hearts open to beauty, love and compassion.

Rose Cacao Latte

Rose and Cacao pair so beautifully together to create a medicinal heart healing tonic. Cacao is also a powerful heart opener and can really help shift stagnant energies and emotions in the body. This Rose Cacao Latte is a potent tonic for days when depression and grief are heavy in the heart space. This delicious drink is best enjoyed in the morning or early afternoon as cacao is stimulating (contains caffeine) which may impact sleep for some folks.

Recipe for Rose Cacao Latte


  • 1 TBSP of raw Cacao powder

  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of organic Rose powder

  • 1 cup of milk - I love almond or cashew nut milk

  • 1-2 tsp of maple syrup or raw honey

  • optional: I adore adding 1/2 tsp Shatavari powder + 1/2 tsp Mesquite powder


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender (I use a nutribullet) and blend together. You can also do this by hand and whisk together until frothy.

  2. Gently heat on stovetop in a pot, stirring constantly until desired temperature.

  3. Pour into your favourite mug

  4. Slowly sip your Cacao Rose Latte and feel the heart opening benefits.

Rose bath

Such a luscious way to feel the healing effects of Rose with the element of water. A beautiful ritual to indulge in during a new moon or the inner winter (bleeding) of the menstrual cycle.

Place the petals of fresh rose flowers in the bath or a handful of dried rose petals. I also like to add 1/4 cup of rose water hydrosol for an extra indulgent bath. So lush! Rose powder can also be used in place of rose petals, it’s a magical sight to watch the bath water turn a luscious pink.

Whilst preparing your rose infused bath, I suggest lighting yourself a beeswax candle and making yourself a delicious rose petal tea to slowly sip whilst you soak in the energy of heart opening rose.

A lush Rose petal bath


Rose is generally considered very safe. A few points to keep in mind:

  • High tannin preparations are best taken away from iron rich foods/supplements especially if iron deficient.

  • Avoid rose petals/rosehips that have been sprayed with chemicals, especially from florists. Choose organically grown/spray-free roses only

  • Rosehip hairs can be irritating to the digestive tract, it’s best to remove the seeds or filter out the hairs before consuming

Rose’s Essence

Like all plants, Rose has so much magic and it’s impossible to share all her medicine in a blog post, but I hope through my writing you can begin to sense Rose’s potent medicine and beauty. The essence of Rose medicine is about protecting our sensitive and precious hearts with boundaries, this is an act of self love. Rose also enables us to keep our hearts open and soft even when it feels easier harden our hearts and become bitter.

There’s so many reasons in this life to close our hearts (life can be bloody hard) but why are we even here if not to love ourselves, love one another and love this beautiful earth we call home?


Herbs for the Heart - Kawakawa